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We strive to employ our "holy manners" as we relate to each other within the congregation. Adopted on August 8, 2004, we call this statement our Relational Covenants:

"Above all, clothe yourselves with love,
which binds everything together in perfect harmony."

(Colossians 3:14)

Our Relational Covenants
  1.   We surround our gatherings with prayer and reflection, and invite God into each encounter. 

  2. We cherish and respect everyone and actively listen with an open heart to each person’s concerns, feelings and/or opinions. 

  3. We each express ourselves in a loving, honest, and respectful manner. 

  4. We are a forgiven people. We each strive to forgive ourselves, offer forgiveness, and take the first steps toward reconciliation. 

  5. With humility we embrace conflict as a source of creativity, improvement and progress. We persevere in resolving difficult issues in a loving supportive manner.

  6. Our unity is not in our “agreeing to disagree” but is found in our baptism. We each take responsibility for our part in the decision making process, and uphold the mutual decisions of TLC made for the common good.

  7. We engage all into the life of the church, encouraging the use of their unique gifts and talents. We prayerfully support and trust those in leadership roles.

  8. We each take responsibility to share and seek out information regarding the life and work of our church. The channels for communication and decision making are continually updated and publicized. 


We invite all to join the feast. This is Thanksgiving's original Reconciling in Christ
welcoming statement, unanimously adopted on April 20, 2006:

“In faithfulness to the Gospel, we respond to God’s compassionate love with openness of heart and spirit. Thanksgiving Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. We welcome and accept gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their families as full participating members of the congregation. We welcome and accept all people regardless of their cultural or ethnic background, physical or mental abilities, socio-economic or marital status, gender or age. God loves us exactly as we are. This congregation welcomes you, exactly as you are.”

For information about Reconciling Works, please visit

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